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A |1
  +--+  6| B
K |2 CNY17
  5| C
  |3        4| E

HDSP-L101, HDSP-L201, HDSP-5401, TC07-11
Common row anode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
Col1 |1
  +--+ 12| Row1
Row3 |2
       11| Row2
Col2 |3
  5x7  10| Col3
Row5 |4
  LED   9| Row4
Row6 |5
        8| Col5
Row7 |6
        7| Col4

HDSP-L103, HDSP-L203, HDSP-5403
Common row cathode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
Row1 |1
  +--+ 12| Col5
Row2 |2
       11| Row3
Col2 |3
  5x7  10| Row4
Col1 |4
  LED   9| Col4
Row6 |5
        8| Row5
Row7 |6
        7| Col3

TIL111, TIL112, TIL116, TIL117, TIL118, TIL124, TIL125, TIL126
A |1
  +--+  6| B
K |2
        5| C
  |3        4| E

TIL113, TIL119
Optocoupler with darlington transistor output configuration.
A |1
  +--+  6| B
K |2
        5| C
  |3        4| E

Dual optocouplers.
1A |1
  +--+  8| 1C
1K |2
        7| 1E
2A |3 TIL192 6| 2C
2K |4
        5| 2E

Quad optocouplers.
1A |1
  +--+ 16| 1C
1K |2
       15| 1E
2A |3
       14| 2C
2K |4
  TIL  13| 2E
3A |5
  193  12| 3C
3K |6
       11| 3E
4A |7
       10| 4C
4K |8
        9| 4E

Dual optocouplers with darlington outputs.
1A |1
  +--+  8| 1C
1K |2
        7| 1E
2A |3 TIL198 6| 2C
2K |4
        5| 2E

Quad optocouplers with darlington outputs.
1A |1
  +--+ 16| 1C
1K |2
       15| 1E
2A |3
       14| 2C
2K |4
  TIL  13| 2E
3A |5
  199  12| 3C
3K |6
       11| 3E
4A |7
       10| 4C
4K |8
        9| 4E

7-segment display with built-in latch and driver, left hand decimal point.
Displays 0-9,A,C,E,F with D as blank, and B as dash/minus sign.
 Qb |1  +--+ 16| VCC
 Qc |2       15| D0
 Qd |3       14| Qdp
 Qa |4  TIL  13| /LT
/LE |5
  308  12| Ddp
 D2 |6       11| /BL
 D3 |7       10| D1
GND |8

Dot-matrix hexadecimal display with built-in latch and driver, left and right hand decimal point.
VDD is the LED supply, usually the same as VCC and must be 5V. DPL and DPR are direct connections to the catodes of the decimal points (no drivers, no current limiter in between).
VCC |1
  +--+ 14| VDD
 D1 |2       13| D2
 D0 |3       12| D3
DPL |4
  TIL    |   
/LE |5
  311  10| DPR
    |          |   
GND |7
        8| BL

HDSP-M401, HDSP-4501, HDSP-5101
Common row anode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
Col1 |1
    +--+   18| Row1
     |              |
Row3 |3
           16| Row2
Col2 |4
           15| Col4
     |   5x7 LED    |
Row5 |6
  matrix   13| Row4
     |              |
Row6 |8
           11| Col5
Row7 |9
           10| Col3

HDSP-M403, HDSP-4503, HDSP-5103
Common row cathode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
Row1 |1
    +--+   18| Col5
     |              |
Col3 |3
           16| Row2
Row3 |4
           15| Row4
     |   5x7 LED    |
Col1 |6
  matrix   13| Row5
     |              |
Col2 |8
           11| Col4
Row7 |9
           10| Row6

A |1
  +--+  6| B
K |2
  4N25  5| C
  |3        4| E

Dual optocouplers.
1A |1
  +--+  8| 1E
1K |2
  CNY   7| 1C
2K |3
  74-2  6| 2C
2A |4
        5| 2E

Quad optocouplers.
1A |1
  +--+ 16| 1E
1K |2
       15| 1C
2K |3
       14| 2C
2A |4
  CNY  13| 2E
3A |5
  74-4 12| 3E
3K |6
       11| 3C
4K |7
       10| 4C
4A |8
        9| 4E

HDSP-4401, HDSP-M401, HDSP-4501, HDSP-5101
Common row anode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
Col1 |1
    +--+   18| Row1
     |              |
Row3 |3
           16| Row2
Col2 |4
           15| Col4
     |   5x7 LED    |
Row5 |6
  matrix   13| Row4
     |              |
Row6 |8
           11| Col5
Row7 |9
           10| Col3

HDSP-4403, HDSP-M403, HDSP-4503, HDSP-5103
Common row cathode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
Row1 |1
    +--+   18| Col5
     |              |
Col3 |3
           16| Row2
Row3 |4
           15| Row4
     |   5x7 LED    |
Col1 |6
  matrix   13| Row5
     |              |
Col2 |8
           11| Col4
Row7 |9
           10| Row6

HDSP-4701, HDSP-L101, HDSP-L201, HDSP-5401, TC07-11
Common row anode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
Col1 |1
  +--+ 12| Row1
Row3 |2
       11| Row2
Col2 |3
  5x7  10| Col3
Row5 |4
  LED   9| Row4
Row6 |5
        8| Col5
Row7 |6
        7| Col4

HDSP-4703, HDSP-L103, HDSP-L203, HDSP-5403
Common row cathode 5x7 dot matrix LED display.
Row1 |1
  +--+ 12| Col5
Row2 |2
       11| Row3
Col2 |3
  5x7  10| Row4
Col1 |4
  LED   9| Col4
Row6 |5
        8| Row5
Row7 |6
        7| Col3

Linear amplifier optocoupler.
A |1
  +--+  6| VCC
K |2
  5010  5| GND
  |3        4| OUT

Optocoupler with IR diode and transistor output configuration.
  |1  +--+  8| VCC
A |2
        7| B
K |3
  6N135 6| C
  |4        5| E

6N138, 6N139
Optocoupler with IR diode and darlington transistor output configuration.
  |1  +--+  8| VCC
A |2
        7| B
K |3
  6N138 6| C
  |4        5| GND

Dual optocouplers.
1A |1
  +--+  8| 1C
1K |2
  MCT   7| 1E
2A |3
  9001  6| 2C
2K |4
        5| 2E

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