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78Hxx, 78H05, 78H12, 78H15, 78H24
Fixed voltage 5A positive power supply regulator Vin must exceed Vout by at least 3V, but may not exceed 40V.
TO 220
| ##|
    1: Vin
 |||     2: GND
 |||     3: Vout
1 2 3

78Lxx, 78L05, 78L06, 78L07, 78L08, 78L09, 78L10, 78L12, 78L15, 78L24
Fixed voltage 100mA positive power supply regulator.
Vin must exceed Vout by at least 3V, but may not exceed 40V.
TO 92
| ##|
    1: Vout
 |||     2: GND
 |||     3: Vin
1 2 3

78Txx, 78T05, 78T12, 78T15, 78T24
Fixed voltage 3A positive power supply regulator Vin must exceed Vout by at least 3V, but may not exceed 40V.
TO 220
| ##|
    1: Vin
 |||     2: GND
 |||     3: Vout
1 2 3

78xx, 7805, 7806, 7807, 7808, 7809, 7810, 7812, 7815, 7824
Fixed voltage 1A positive power supply regulator.
Vin must exceed Vout by at least 3V, but may not exceed 40V.
TO 220
| ##|
    1: Vin
 |||     2: GND
 |||     3: Vout
1 2 3

79Lxx, 79L05, 79L06, 79L07, 79L08, 79L09, 79L10, 79L12, 79L15, 79L24
Fixed voltage 100mA negative power supply regulator.
Vin must exceed Vout by at least -3V, but may not exceed -40V.
TO 92
| ##|
    1: GND
 |||     2: Vin
 |||     3: Vout
1 2 3

79xx, 7905, 7906, 7907, 7908, 7909, 7910, 7912, 7915, 7924
Fixed voltage 1A negative power supply regulator Vin must exceed Vout by at least -3V, but may not exceed -40V.
TO 220
| ##|
    1: GND
 |||     2: Vin
 |||     3: Vout
1 2 3

1.2 to 57V 1,5A positive power supply regulator.
TO 220
| ##|
    1: Adj
 |||     2: Vout
 |||     3: Vin
1 2 3

-1.2 to -57V 1,5A negative power supply regulator.
TO 220
| ##|
    1: Adj
 |||     2: Vin
 |||     3: Vout
1 2 3

1.2 to 32V 5A positive power supply regulator.
TO 220
| ##|
    1: Adj
 |||     2: Vout
 |||     3: Vin
1 2 3

1.2 to 32V 3A positive power supply regulator.
TO 220
| ##|
    1: Adj
 |||     2: Vout
 |||     3: Vin
1 2 3

1.3 to 125V 700mA high voltage positive power supply regulator.
TO 220
| ##|
    1: Adj
 |||     2: Vout
 |||     3: Vin
1 2 3


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